Our Team
Hi ! Our Team is trying to deblackbox Dyson Airwrap’s design principle and its social-technical relationship.
Here are our team members.
Hello, my name is Liu zhengyi, I am pursuing my graduate study in the communication, culture and technology program in the Georgetown University. The areas I am interested in is gender and film. what I want to pursuit in my professional plan is using the social media, such as Facebook, as platforms to propagandize for independent movies. With a passion for film and gender, I have both the skill set and professional background necessary to dive deep into the media world. As an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication, I envision an exciting future in the industry.
Ziyun Guo is a first-year CCT student from Canton, China. During previous three-year professional life in TAL Education Group, she has undertaken jobs as marketing, brand managing and English teaching. The multi-facets working experience inspired her to explore more possibilities in this interdisciplinary program in Georgetown University. she is currently interested in how to apply technologies in various business areas and hopes to become a marketing consultant in the future.
Bingqing Lu is a first-year CCT student from Beijing, China. After completing her four-year undergraduate in the Chinese Literature and Linguistics study, she comes to Georgetown University with a study focus on intercultural communication. She hopes to figure out how the Chinese and Western cultural stories are discussed within each other’s society and as a social science researcher, how could we analyze such mode of storytelling qualitatively. Bingqing is also interested in the analysis of syntax and phonology in linguistics, especially finding out their development in the language family, by conducting synchrony and diachrony researches.
Beiyue Wang is a first year CCT student of Georgetown University, from Shanghai, China. Beiyue spent her previous four years as an undergraduate student studying journalism and communication. With a wide varieties of internship experience in different fields, Beiyue discovered her profound love for data analyzing and marketing. For the future, Beiyue hopes she can become a professional business analyst.
Design Justification
Hi! It is our team Shock-head’s website. Do you like it?
We choose the theme for its clear visual appearance, which gives people a technical feeling. Also, the theme allows all contents and image to be central, and have a navigator bar on top of each page for people targeting their wanted information easily. The top image of each page is a woman with beautiful curls looking for into the distance. Her nice wavy hair might be what every woman kills for! The yellow background color aims to create comfortable and warm atmosphere, because the main costumers of Dyson Airwrap is woman. For the color, we also use lots of ‘Dyson purple’ in the website, such as title boxes. Many people are used to connecting the purple color with Dyson brand. At the bottom of each page, a link called ‘back to top’ could help audience quickly get back.
There are five main menus in the website: Dyson, social-technical analysis, architecture, algorithm and video. Under Dyson, there are two submenus: Our team and Bibliography. After a few tries, we believe the current structure is the best appropriate. The information on each page is clean and simple, but is able to fully convey our explanation and ideas. The content font and paragraph space conforms to reading habits.
Our team logo is the figure of power engine. Depending on its small but mighty Dyson digital motor V9, Dyson Airwrap could create Coanda effect and attract hair around the barrel automatically. That is the reason why we choose engine image as our team logo.
Sources for Images
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